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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided to the Editor).
  • Retain an exact replica of your own submission for use in answering copy-editor’s enquiries and correcting proofs.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format. It should NOT be sent in PDF.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined hereafter in the Author Guidelines.
  • Both the text and the file are kept anonymous.

Author Guidelines

ATTENTION: due to a wave of fake accounts (bots), we are closing the registration system. As a consequence, submissions have to be made via Emails - as indicated below.

We always welcome submissions of papers or reviews, from all fields, related to the "mutual images" between Japan and any other culture/country.

Make sure that your paper or review follows the submission’s guidelines & referencing hereafter, then contact us at [email protected]; for reviews, contact Alejandra Armendáriz-Hernández, at [email protected].

With the paper or review that you are sending to us, add a short-bio of no more than ten lines, in the email or in a separated file. Do not include it in the paper or review, as it needs to be kept anonymous for the reviewing process.

Please, note carefully that:

  • We have no submission charges, nor articles processing charges (APCs)
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material under copyright.



If your paper or review does not follow properly the requirements hereafter, the Mutual Images’ Editorial Board reserves its right to refuse your submission and/or ask you to amend it so that it can be submitted again, properly this time.

Articles and Reviews should be in British-English. However, Reviews can refer to books or exhibitions in languages other than English (either text that were never published in English or texts that were translated in English but were originally by non-Anglophone authors), in the perspective and interest of cultural and academic pluralism.

Articles should include an abstract in British-English, no longer than 300 words, followed by five to ten keywords. Reviews should only include the referencing of the book or the exhibition being reviewed.

Contributions should be typed in Cambria size 12-point font, 1½-spaced, and the text should be justified. All illustrations, figures, and tables are to be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Authors should NOT attempt to hard code typesetting such as page breaks and white space in the submitted manuscript.

Contributions have no strict length limit. However, original articles are usually between 10 to 20 pages (including referencing), and reviews between 2 to 5 pages.

Quotations of more than 50 words should be indented in the typescript and typed in double line spacing. Use single inverted commas for shorter quotations. Square brackets should be used to enclose interpolations, and three dots to indicate omissions. Make sure there are no errors in the spelling, punctuation and capitalisation of quotations.

Capitals: Use as few as possible and use them consistently.

Italics should be used for foreign words other than proper names. Italics for emphasis are discouraged. 

Abbreviations: Omit full stops in abbreviations consisting of capital letters (MP, USA). Use capitals for acronyms such as NATO and UNESCO. 

Dates should be in the form 1st May 1968, 2 May 1968, 1970s, the twentieth century. 

Numbers up to 100 should normally be spelt out, except for percentages, exact quantities, or a series of numbers. Use ‘per cent’ (not %) except in tables. Include a comma in numbers over 999. The second of a pair of numbers should be abbreviated (i.e. 175–6 not 175–176), except for numbers 11–19 which retain the 1.



(Author surname, date: page)

References should appear in the main text itself. No footnotes for references; use them only if necessary, to comment on something. Each direct quotation must be accompanied by a reference containing a page number. References in the main text should be made in the following manner:

Within the text:

According to Chung, the year 1984 can be considered the beginning of an increasing interest in Korea among Japanese people (1995: 18).

This strategic advantage in the Asian context can be approached by a different point of view in terms of gender issues and cultural consumption (Mori, 2008: 141).

Multiple references should be ordered chronologically and separated by semicolons, i.e.

The place and importance of children, especially young girls in Japanese pop culture, has been extensively researched (Kinsella, 1995; Spencer, 2007; Galbraith, 2011; Miller, 2011).  

Multiple references to the same author in the same year should be separated by a letter in alphabetical order, by their order of appearance in the list of references, i.e.

In order to transcend the boundaries of art, the MAVO group planned, in addition to art exhibitions, lectures, theatre performances, concerts, and the publication of a magazine (Odagiri, 1991a).

When there are three authors or more, ‘et al.’ is used in the in-text citation and in the references list.

The original year of publication should be inserted in brackets for items where publication year differs substantially from the original year of publication, e.g. (Marx and Engels, 2004 [1848]).

Items that have no date identified can be listed as follows: (Marshall, Jaggers, and Gurr, n.d.)



Please ensure that your references are complete, and that all of the references in the text are cited in the reference list, including illustrations, websites, videos and any other non-traditional materials. All items should be listed in alphabetical order in the reference list. Items by the same author should be listed in chronological order. For more than 3 authors, please cite the first three authors and et al.

Reference to an article

Pellitteri, Marco (2010), Comics Reading and Attitudes of Openness toward the Other: The Italian-Speaking Teenagers Case in South Tyrol. International Journal of Comic Art, 12 (2/3), pp. 209-247. 

References to an article in a journal that has no paper version should include the issue number as well as the volume number.

Reference to a book

Pellitteri, Marco (2010), The Dragon and the Dazzle: Models, Strategies, and Identities of Japanese Imagination—A European Perspective. Latina: Tunué.

The books that are not in English should be referenced as follow:

Souyri, Pierre-François (2016), Moderne Sans Etre Occidental : Aux Origines du Japon d’Aujourd’hui [Modern Without Being Occidental: To the Origins of Today’s Japan]. Paris: Gallimard.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book

Berndt, Jacqueline (2010), Historical Adventures of a Post-Historical Medium: Japan’s Wartime Past as Represented in Manga. In: Richter, Steffi (ed.), Contested Views of a Common Past: Revisions of History in Contemporary East Asia. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, pp. 287-320.

Reference to an edited book

Befu, Harumi — Guichard-Anguis, Sylvie (eds) (2001), Globalizing Japan: Ethnography of the Japanese Presence in Asia, Europe and America. London and New York: Routledge.

Reference to an electronic publication, website, blog or online post

Please indicate the URL of the webpage, date when item was accessed, plus any identifying information:

Flynn, Patricia (1982), Visions of People: The Influences of Japanese Prints–Ukiyo-e upon Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century French Art. Available from (accessed 20 March 2019).

Reference to an unpublished item

Denison, Rayna (2018), Adapting Europe into Anime: The Exoticisation and Elision of Europe in Hayao Miyazaki’s Animated Films. Paper presented at Mutual Images 7th International workshop, Cardiff University, UK, 1st-2 May.

Reference to conference proceedings available online

Montoya, Aurore (2014), The Borderlands of Motherhood: Representation of Spatial Belonging of Mothers and Families in Government Posters. Paper presented at IAFOR Asian Conference on Cultural Studies, Osaka, 29 May-1st June. Available from (accessed 7 September 2016), pp. 173-180.

Reference to a thesis

Kinsella, Sharon (1996), Editors, Artists and the Changing Status of Manga in Japanese Society, 1986-1995. PhD, University of Oxford. Supervised by: Goodman, Roger; Stockwin, Arthur.

Reference to an image or illustration

From an exhibition or personally own image

Chino, Otsuka (2006), Kitakamura, Japan, 2006 (chromogenic print). From the series Imagine Finding me. At: Wilson Centre for Photography.

Referenced from a book (including exhibition catalogues)

Ueno, Hikoma (c. 1871), Portrait of Tazaki Michitaka (photograph). In: Tamon, Miki (ed.) (1997), The Advent of Photography in Japan. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, p. 59.

Accessed electronically

Sawada, Tomoko (2015), Facial signature (photograph). Available from: (accessed 20 March 2019).

Reference to an official publication


Name of Committee, Department or Royal Commission (year of publication), Title. Place of publication: Publisher (Paper number if applicable).

Accessed electronically

Name of Committee, Department or Royal Commission (year of publication). Title [Online]. Place of publication: Publisher (Paper number if applicable). Available from: URL (accessed DD Month YYYY).

Reference to a movie or video

Title of Film / Video (date of release), produced by surname of producer, name of producer or Production Company. Place of production, Distributor (if known), length of film. Available from: URL if retrieved from web (accessed DD Month YYYY).

Reference to an episode of a television programme

Title of series (Year of first broadcast), XX episodes, episode xx, Title of episode [Online]. Channel of first broadcast, DD Month of first broadcast.

Reference to a radio programme or Podcast

Obata, Fumio — Allen, Jocelyne (2019), Images of Japan. Arts and Ideas Series. BBC Radio 3. Aired on 21 February. Available from: (accessed 20 March 2019).

Reference to an interview

Unpublished interviews

Pellitteri, Marco (2017), interview with Ortega, Jaime. Barcelona, 6 June 2017 (Unpublished).

Published interviews (2016) Interview with Shichiro Kobayashi. July 2015. Available from: (accessed 20 March 2019).

Reference to a video game

Author (date) Title of the game [computer game]. Distributor.

If available online:

Author (date) Title of the game [computer game]. Distributor. Available from: URL (accessed DD Month YYYY).



Tables and figures: Each table and figure should be placed in the text close to where discussed (i.e., not on separate sheets at the end).

Tables should be clearly laid out and designed to fit into a space of 190 x 120 mm. Tables should preferably be designed using the table editor tool in MS Word, not by manually inserting spaces or tabulators. Totals and percentages should be labelled, and the units should be explicitly identified. See published examples.

Authors should avoid using figures with an excessive number of digits and rescale variables so that all figures in a table can be displayed with the same number of digits after decimal points, ideally nor more than 3. Use initial zeros, i.e., 0.300 rather than .300. Authors who wish to flag ‘statistically significant’ statistics using asterisks should avoid using excessive numbers of asterisks and consider alternative symbols such as a dagger if they wish to indicate a large number of significance levels.

Figures should not contain more detail than can be clearly shown in a space of 200 x 133 mm and should be computer drawn. The resolution of images should be at least 300 dpi. Authors should avoid figures using shaded outer margins and figures using colours other than greyscale. Although it is possible to publish figures in colour where this is required, this must be agreed in advance and the authors may have to cover the additional costs of colour printing. Authors should ensure that they have permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.

Proofs are supplied only to ensure that the printed version coincides with the manuscript accepted. Rewriting an article in proof is not allowed. You will be sent a copy-edited version as an attachment, along with any questions that have arisen, before the article is published. Please make sure that your manuscript is in a final form at this stage.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.