A Few Remarks on the Notions of Japan and Japanese Culture in Europe


Japanese culture
Mutual Images

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Pellitteri, Marco. “A Few Remarks on the Notions of Japan and Japanese Culture in Europe”. Mutual Images Journal, no. 1, Aug. 2016, pp. 1-21, doi:10.32926/2016.1.PEL.edit.


The philosophy from which the Mutual Images was born is that of exploring the reciprocal influences between Japan and Europe, with an emphasis on the visual cultures. It started as a workshop, hosted every year by a different partner university, in Europe and in Japan. The quality of the papers presented and the increased interest and responses of researches over the four years that the Mutual Images workshop has been running has incited us to complement it with this peer-reviewed publication. The first issues are [...]


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Copyright (c) 2016 Marco Pellitteri